Complaint Tracker
ADHS Licensing Complaint Submittal Form
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The Division of Licensing Services, Bureau of Special Licensing provides this Online Complaint Form which allows anyone with knowledge or concerns about a suspected rule violation to submit a complaint through this web page. A complaint is a suspected violation of Arizona state rules and/or statutes governing the operations of licensed Developmentally Disabled Homes
The Bureau of Special Licensing inspects licensed group homes to ensure the following:
Fire safety equipment in working order, heating and cooling in working order, appliances working, plumbing fixtures working, homes clean & hazard free, vehicles safe and in working order, swimming pools fenced, locked and in working order, compliance with applicable disability laws.
Please review the following prior to submitting the complaint allegation.
Complaint Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When filling out this form, information that is required is indicated by a red asterisk (*). Click "Start" to begin complaint.
* Describe what happened, including when (time and date), and how, who was involved, and if this happened before.
Please attach any evidence such as supporting documentation or pictures relevant to the complaint.
Please add any individuals such as resident, patient, witness, staff member, etc. or specific locations where the complaint occurred.
If you are making a complaint; State Law at A.R.S 41-1010 requires that a name of the Complaint shall be public record unless the affected agency determines that the release of the Complainant's name may result in substantial harm to any person or to the Public Health safety.
Please note Full name and contact information is still required to submit complaint. Although anonymous reports are accepted, we request your contact information so that we may contact you if we need additional information to properly address your complaint.
Please enter a contact email - You will receive an email at this address to verify your complaint submission
To create a new Google email address, click here
To create a new Yahoo email address, click here